Younglove, please just let this go. My dad taught me growing up that we are all responsible for our actions. Do what you are going to do and own up to it. If people wish you wrong and do hurtful things it is on them. In you situation I would simply avoid a confrontation with any of these offending parties. I know it is hard to not go yank on some bitch, but you have to know you could go to jail for hitting her, so don't. Because she is not worth sitting in jail over. If you show her your anger, you will give her some satisfaction and an incentive to do more to you because she can. I had anger issues and used to kick a guy's ass if he was mean to me or a family member. I got lots of bruises as they did, but it would only fuel round two, then round three. I was fortunate and did not go to jail, but I could have been sent up just as easily.
Please, for your health and benefit, try to be calm, and let the crap they did slide off of you.